Friday, March 7, 2014

Day Seven! Creative Spaces & Photo Fridays

Day seven of the C4ward March Blogathon! Wow.

I have mentioned this before (like the last blog) but I really do enjoy working at Fuse Arts Center. That deserves a photo. Today, I am home with a cold. Working from my bed. With a dog next to me. My husband just brought me some food between his appointments. Despite the burning sinuses, it isn't a bad place to be.

My other creative space pops up often in the time between fully being awake and coming out of a night's sleep. I have an idea and I have to repeat to myself: "remember this in the morning, remember this in the morning..."

And these ideas are about art projects. Sometimes, I reach a moment of clarity about a concept I have been mulling over. Other times, I get an idea for a conversation I want to have with a particular person. Not all of the ideas are brilliant... They just are. They are conversations between my my awake-self and my dreaming-self.

From "How Life Works" 


  1. I'm so glad you enjoy your job! You and Joe have created such a great space! Really good energy. I believe you have succeeded in creating an environment that is special and supports creative community!
