Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ecstasy in the Studio - Day 5

I don't have a studio practice per se. My ideal work space changes with my mood. When I am working on a grant, I usually stay home so I can be away from the world. My dog sits next to me. Actually, my dog, Beanie, brings me a lot of joy.

The Face of Gods, I tell ya!
I got laid off from my job prior to C4 Atlanta. At the time, Beanie was new to our house and only four months old. He sat on my lap. Now, at close to 80 pounds, he doesn't sit on my lap. Sometimes he leans on me or I get a head in my lap. In those moments...I don't think it is ecstasy I am seeking. Just a calm dog and a lap warmer.

I also clean before I work. Cleaning my work area helps me think. I makes me feel in control in an often out-of-control world.

Ecstasy. Hmmm. I get really excited talking about certain projects and planning with my colleagues. I recently read that having a sense of urgency isn't about feeling like you have to get something done; rather, it should be about being so excited that you can't wait to show the world your work. I feel that way about a project we are currently developing. More on that later.

In theatre, that feeling of ecstasy, for me, happened when I was on stage and heard a line differently. We may have rehearsed it a dozen or so times, but something happened to make that line sound brand spankin' new. That is a wonderful moment. Discovery.
I miss them! Your Mom's Mom at the Black Box Improv Festival, 2010

When I was performing with an improv team, of course every line was new. What made me excited was achieving "group mind." Being so in sync with the other performers that you can't believe you aren't sharing a brain. I love that. Group mind. I also love the motto of most improvisers--which is to support the hell out of your fellow scene mate(s).

Huh. I had more to write about than I thought I would.


  1. I am a procrastinator sometimes. Your statement about the sense of urgency coming from internal excitement about my work really made me change my mind. I think it I approach everything IN LIFE with that emotion my resistance may subside. Thank you.

  2. I love the clean space too, organizes my intentions...
